„Fibonači“ krūva

Šioje pamokoje sužinosite, kas yra „Fibonači“ krūva. Taip pat rasite veikiančių skirtingų operacijų pavyzdžių su fibonači krūvomis C, C ++, Java ir Python.

„Fibonači“ krūva yra modifikuota binominio kaupo forma, turinti efektyvesnes krūvos operacijas, nei palaiko binominiai ir binariniai kaupai.

Skirtingai nuo dvejetainio kaupo, mazgas gali turėti daugiau nei du vaikus.

Fibonačio krūva vadinama fibonačio krūva, nes medžiai sukonstruoti taip, kad n eilės medyje būtų bent Fn+2mazgai, kur Fn+2yra (n + 2)ndFibonači skaičius.

„Fibonači“ krūva

Fibonači krūvos savybės

Svarbios „Fibonači“ krūvos savybės yra šios:

  1. Tai min. Krūvos užsakytų medžių rinkinys . (ty tėvas visada yra mažesnis už vaikus.)
  2. Minimalaus elemento mazge palaikoma rodyklė.
  3. Jis susideda iš pažymėtų mazgų rinkinio. (Sumažinti klavišo operaciją)
  4. Fibonači krūvoje esantys medžiai yra nesutvarkyti, bet įsišakniję.

Mazgų atvaizdavimas atmintyje Fibonači krūvoje

Visų medžių šaknys yra sujungtos, kad būtų galima greičiau pasiekti. Tėvinio mazgo antriniai mazgai yra sujungti vienas su kitu per žiedinį dvigubai susietą sąrašą, kaip parodyta žemiau.

Yra du pagrindiniai žiedinio dvigubai susieto sąrašo naudojimo pranašumai.

  1. Mazgo pašalinimas iš medžio užtrunka O(1).
  2. Dviejų tokių sąrašų sujungimas užtrunka O(1).
„Fibonači“ krūvos struktūra

Operacijos su „Fibonači“ krūva



 įterpti (H, x) laipsnį (x) = 0 p (x) = NIL vaikas (x) = NIL kairėje (x) = x dešinėje (x) = x ženklas (x) = FALSE susieti šaknų sąrašą, kuriame yra x, su šaknimi sąrašas H, jei min (H) == NIL arba klavišas (x) <raktas (min (H)), tada min (H) = xn (H) = n (H) + 1 

Įterpdami mazgą į jau esamą krūvą, atlikite toliau nurodytus veiksmus.

  1. Sukurkite naują elemento mazgą.
  2. Patikrinkite, ar krūva tuščia.
  3. Jei krūva tuščia, nustatykite naują mazgą kaip šakninį mazgą ir pažymėkite jį min.
  4. Kitaip, įterpkite mazgą į šaknų sąrašą ir atnaujinkite min.
Įterpimo pavyzdys

Raskite Min

Minimalų elementą visada nurodo min rodyklė.


Dviejų fibonačio kaupų sąjungą sudaro šie žingsniai.

  1. Sujunkite abiejų krūvų šaknis.
  2. Atnaujinkite min pasirinkdami minimalų raktą iš naujų šakninių sąrašų.
Dviejų kaupų sąjunga

Ištrauka Min

Tai svarbiausia fibonacci krūvos operacija. Atliekant šią operaciją, mazgas, kurio vertė mažiausia, pašalinamas iš kaupo ir medis koreguojamas iš naujo.

Atliekami šie veiksmai:

  1. Ištrinkite min mazgą.
  2. Nustatykite min žymeklį į kitą šaknų sąrašą šaknyje.
  3. Prieš ištrindami sukurkite masyvą, kurio dydis būtų lygus didžiausiam krūvos medžių laipsniui.
  4. Atlikite šiuos veiksmus (5–7 žingsniai), kol nėra kelių to paties laipsnio šaknų.
  5. Susieti dabartinės šaknies laipsnį (min-pointer) pagal masyvo laipsnį.
  6. Susieti kitos šaknies laipsnį su masyvo laipsniu.
  7. Jei tam pačiam laipsniui yra daugiau nei du susiejimai, tada toms šaknims taikykite sąjungos operaciją taip, kad būtų išlaikyta „min-heap“ savybė (ty šaknyje yra mažiausias).

Aukščiau nurodytų veiksmų įgyvendinimą galima suprasti toliau pateiktame pavyzdyje.

  1. Mes atliksime ekstrakto min operaciją žemiau esančiame kaupe. „Fibonači“ krūva
  2. Ištrinkite min mazgą, įtraukite visus jo antrinius mazgus į šaknų sąrašą ir nustatykite min rodyklę į kitą šaknų šaknų sąrašą. Ištrinkite min mazgą
  3. Didžiausias laipsnis medyje yra 3. Masyvu sukurkite 4 dydžio masyvą ir nurodykite kitų šaknų laipsnį. Sukurkite masyvą
  4. Čia 23 ir 7 laipsniai yra vienodi, todėl juos suvienykite. Sujunk tuos, kurie turi tuos pačius laipsnius
  5. Vėlgi, 7 ir 17 turi tą patį laipsnį, todėl suvienykite ir juos. Sujunk tuos, kurie turi tuos pačius laipsnius
  6. Vėlgi 7 ir 24 turi tą patį laipsnį, todėl juos suvienykite. Sujunk tuos, kurie turi tuos pačius laipsnius
  7. Žemėlapis kitų mazgų. Susieti likusius mazgus
  8. Vėlgi, 52 ir 21 turi tą patį laipsnį, todėl juos suvienykite. Sujunkite tuos, kurie turi tuos pačius laipsnius
  9. Panašiai sujunkite 21 ir 18. Sujunkite tuos, kurie turi tą patį laipsnį
  10. Susieti likusį šaknį. Susieti likusius mazgus
  11. Galutinis krūva yra. Galutinis fibonacci krūva

Rakto sumažinimas ir mazgo ištrynimas

Tai yra svarbiausios operacijos, kurios aptariamos „Keisti raktą“ ir „Ištrinti mazgo operacijas“.

„Python“, „Java“ ir „C / C ++“ pavyzdžiai

„Python Java C C +“
 # Fibonacci Heap in python import math # Creating fibonacci tree class FibonacciTree: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value self.child = () self.order = 0 # Adding tree at the end of the tree def add_at_end(self, t): self.child.append(t) self.order = self.order + 1 # Creating Fibonacci heap class FibonacciHeap: def __init__(self): self.trees = () self.least = None self.count = 0 # Insert a node def insert_node(self, value): new_tree = FibonacciTree(value) self.trees.append(new_tree) if (self.least is None or value y.value: x, y = y, x x.add_at_end(y) aux(order) = None order = order + 1 aux(order) = x self.least = None for k in aux: if k is not None: self.trees.append(k) if (self.least is None or k.value < self.least.value): self.least = k def floor_log(x): return math.frexp(x)(1) - 1 fibonacci_heap = FibonacciHeap() fibonacci_heap.insert_node(7) fibonacci_heap.insert_node(3) fibonacci_heap.insert_node(17) fibonacci_heap.insert_node(24) print('the minimum value of the fibonacci heap: ()'.format(fibonacci_heap.get_min())) print('the minimum value removed: ()'.format(fibonacci_heap.extract_min())) 
 // Operations on Fibonacci Heap in Java // Node creation class node ( node parent; node left; node right; node child; int degree; boolean mark; int key; public node() ( this.degree = 0; this.mark = false; this.parent = null; this.left = this; this.right = this; this.child = null; this.key = Integer.MAX_VALUE; ) node(int x) ( this(); this.key = x; ) void set_parent(node x) ( this.parent = x; ) node get_parent() ( return this.parent; ) void set_left(node x) ( this.left = x; ) node get_left() ( return this.left; ) void set_right(node x) ( this.right = x; ) node get_right() ( return this.right; ) void set_child(node x) ( this.child = x; ) node get_child() ( return this.child; ) void set_degree(int x) ( this.degree = x; ) int get_degree() ( return this.degree; ) void set_mark(boolean m) ( this.mark = m; ) boolean get_mark() ( return this.mark; ) void set_key(int x) ( this.key = x; ) int get_key() ( return this.key; ) ) public class fibHeap ( node min; int n; boolean trace; node found; public boolean get_trace() ( return trace; ) public void set_trace(boolean t) ( this.trace = t; ) public static fibHeap create_heap() ( return new fibHeap(); ) fibHeap() ( min = null; n = 0; trace = false; ) private void insert(node x) ( if (min == null) ( min = x; x.set_left(min); x.set_right(min); ) else ( x.set_right(min); x.set_left(min.get_left()); min.get_left().set_right(x); min.set_left(x); if (x.get_key() "); temp = temp.get_right(); ) while (temp != c); System.out.print(")"); ) ) public static void merge_heap(fibHeap H1, fibHeap H2, fibHeap H3) ( H3.min = H1.min; if (H1.min != null && H2.min != null) ( node t1 = H1.min.get_left(); node t2 = H2.min.get_left(); H1.min.set_left(t2); t1.set_right(H2.min); H2.min.set_left(t1); t2.set_right(H1.min); ) if (H1.min == null || (H2.min != null && H2.min.get_key() < H1.min.get_key())) H3.min = H2.min; H3.n = H1.n + H2.n; ) public int find_min() ( return this.min.get_key(); ) private void display_node(node z) ( System.out.println("right: " + ((z.get_right() == null) ? "-1" : z.get_right().get_key())); System.out.println("left: " + ((z.get_left() == null) ? "-1" : z.get_left().get_key())); System.out.println("child: " + ((z.get_child() == null) ? "-1" : z.get_child().get_key())); System.out.println("degree " + z.get_degree()); ) public int extract_min() ( node z = this.min; if (z != null) ( node c = z.get_child(); node k = c, p; if (c != null) ( do ( p = c.get_right(); insert(c); c.set_parent(null); c = p; ) while (c != null && c != k); ) z.get_left().set_right(z.get_right()); z.get_right().set_left(z.get_left()); z.set_child(null); if (z == z.get_right()) this.min = null; else ( this.min = z.get_right(); this.consolidate(); ) this.n -= 1; return z.get_key(); ) return Integer.MAX_VALUE; ) public void consolidate() ( double phi = (1 + Math.sqrt(5)) / 2; int Dofn = (int) (Math.log(this.n) / Math.log(phi)); node() A = new node(Dofn + 1); for (int i = 0; i y.get_key()) ( node temp = x; x = y; y = temp; w = x; ) fib_heap_link(y, x); check = x; A(d) = null; d += 1; ) A(d) = x; w = w.get_right(); ) while (w != null && w != check); this.min = null; for (int i = 0; i <= Dofn; ++i) ( if (A(i) != null) ( insert(A(i)); ) ) ) ) // Linking operation private void fib_heap_link(node y, node x) ( y.get_left().set_right(y.get_right()); y.get_right().set_left(y.get_left()); node p = x.get_child(); if (p == null) ( y.set_right(y); y.set_left(y); ) else ( y.set_right(p); y.set_left(p.get_left()); p.get_left().set_right(y); p.set_left(y); ) y.set_parent(x); x.set_child(y); x.set_degree(x.get_degree() + 1); y.set_mark(false); ) // Search operation private void find(int key, node c) ( if (found != null || c == null) return; else ( node temp = c; do ( if (key == temp.get_key()) found = temp; else ( node k = temp.get_child(); find(key, k); temp = temp.get_right(); ) ) while (temp != c && found == null); ) ) public node find(int k) ( found = null; find(k, this.min); return found; ) public void decrease_key(int key, int nval) ( node x = find(key); decrease_key(x, nval); ) // Decrease key operation private void decrease_key(node x, int k) ( if (k> x.get_key()) return; x.set_key(k); node y = x.get_parent(); if (y != null && x.get_key() < y.get_key()) ( cut(x, y); cascading_cut(y); ) if (x.get_key() < min.get_key()) min = x; ) // Cut operation private void cut(node x, node y) ( x.get_right().set_left(x.get_left()); x.get_left().set_right(x.get_right()); y.set_degree(y.get_degree() - 1); x.set_right(null); x.set_left(null); insert(x); x.set_parent(null); x.set_mark(false); ) private void cascading_cut(node y) ( node z = y.get_parent(); if (z != null) ( if (y.get_mark() == false) y.set_mark(true); else ( cut(y, z); cascading_cut(z); ) ) ) // Delete operations public void delete(node x) ( decrease_key(x, Integer.MIN_VALUE); int p = extract_min(); ) public static void main(String() args) ( fibHeap obj = create_heap(); obj.insert(7); obj.insert(26); obj.insert(30); obj.insert(39); obj.insert(10); obj.display(); System.out.println(obj.extract_min()); obj.display(); System.out.println(obj.extract_min()); obj.display(); System.out.println(obj.extract_min()); obj.display(); System.out.println(obj.extract_min()); obj.display(); System.out.println(obj.extract_min()); obj.display(); ) )
 // Operations on a Fibonacci heap in C #include #include #include #include typedef struct _NODE ( int key; int degree; struct _NODE *left_sibling; struct _NODE *right_sibling; struct _NODE *parent; struct _NODE *child; bool mark; bool visited; ) NODE; typedef struct fibanocci_heap ( int n; NODE *min; int phi; int degree; ) FIB_HEAP; FIB_HEAP *make_fib_heap(); void insertion(FIB_HEAP *H, NODE *new, int val); NODE *extract_min(FIB_HEAP *H); void consolidate(FIB_HEAP *H); void fib_heap_link(FIB_HEAP *H, NODE *y, NODE *x); NODE *find_min_node(FIB_HEAP *H); void decrease_key(FIB_HEAP *H, NODE *node, int key); void cut(FIB_HEAP *H, NODE *node_to_be_decrease, NODE *parent_node); void cascading_cut(FIB_HEAP *H, NODE *parent_node); void Delete_Node(FIB_HEAP *H, int dec_key); FIB_HEAP *make_fib_heap() ( FIB_HEAP *H; H = (FIB_HEAP *)malloc(sizeof(FIB_HEAP)); H->n = 0; H->min = NULL; H->phi = 0; H->degree = 0; return H; ) // Printing the heap void print_heap(NODE *n) ( NODE *x; for (x = n;; x = x->right_sibling) ( if (x->child == NULL) ( printf("node with no child (%d) ", x->key); ) else ( printf("NODE(%d) with child (%d)", x->key, x->child->key); print_heap(x->child); ) if (x->right_sibling == n) ( break; ) ) ) // Inserting nodes void insertion(FIB_HEAP *H, NODE *new, int val) ( new = (NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); new->key = val; new->degree = 0; new->mark = false; new->parent = NULL; new->child = NULL; new->visited = false; new->left_sibling = new; new->right_sibling = new; if (H->min == NULL) ( H->min = new; ) else ( H->min->left_sibling->right_sibling = new; new->right_sibling = H->min; new->left_sibling = H->min->left_sibling; H->min->left_sibling = new; if (new->key min->key) ( H->min = new; ) ) (H->n)++; ) // Find min node NODE *find_min_node(FIB_HEAP *H) ( if (H == NULL) ( printf(" Fibonacci heap not yet created "); return NULL; ) else return H->min; ) // Union operation FIB_HEAP *unionHeap(FIB_HEAP *H1, FIB_HEAP *H2) ( FIB_HEAP *Hnew; Hnew = make_fib_heap(); Hnew->min = H1->min; NODE *temp1, *temp2; temp1 = Hnew->min->right_sibling; temp2 = H2->min->left_sibling; Hnew->min->right_sibling->left_sibling = H2->min->left_sibling; Hnew->min->right_sibling = H2->min; H2->min->left_sibling = Hnew->min; temp2->right_sibling = temp1; if ((H1->min == NULL) || (H2->min != NULL && H2->min->key min->key)) Hnew->min = H2->min; Hnew->n = H1->n + H2->n; return Hnew; ) // Calculate the degree int cal_degree(int n) ( int count = 0; while (n> 0) ( n = n / 2; count++; ) return count; ) // Consolidate function void consolidate(FIB_HEAP *H) ( int degree, i, d; degree = cal_degree(H->n); NODE *A(degree), *x, *y, *z; for (i = 0; i min; do ( d = x->degree; while (A(d) != NULL) ( y = A(d); if (x->key> y->key) ( NODE *exchange_help; exchange_help = x; x = y; y = exchange_help; ) if (y == H->min) H->min = x; fib_heap_link(H, y, x); if (y->right_sibling == x) H->min = x; A(d) = NULL; d++; ) A(d) = x; x = x->right_sibling; ) while (x != H->min); H->min = NULL; for (i = 0; i left_sibling = A(i); A(i)->right_sibling = A(i); if (H->min == NULL) ( H->min = A(i); ) else ( H->min->left_sibling->right_sibling = A(i); A(i)->right_sibling = H->min; A(i)->left_sibling = H->min->left_sibling; H->min->left_sibling = A(i); if (A(i)->key min->key) ( H->min = A(i); ) ) if (H->min == NULL) ( H->min = A(i); ) else if (A(i)->key min->key) ( H->min = A(i); ) ) ) ) // Linking void fib_heap_link(FIB_HEAP *H, NODE *y, NODE *x) ( y->right_sibling->left_sibling = y->left_sibling; y->left_sibling->right_sibling = y->right_sibling; if (x->right_sibling == x) H->min = x; y->left_sibling = y; y->right_sibling = y; y->parent = x; if (x->child == NULL) ( x->child = y; ) y->right_sibling = x->child; y->left_sibling = x->child->left_sibling; x->child->left_sibling->right_sibling = y; x->child->left_sibling = y; if ((y->key) child->key)) x->child = y; (x->degree)++; ) // Extract min NODE *extract_min(FIB_HEAP *H) ( if (H->min == NULL) printf(" The heap is empty"); else ( NODE *temp = H->min; NODE *pntr; pntr = temp; NODE *x = NULL; if (temp->child != NULL) ( x = temp->child; do ( pntr = x->right_sibling; (H->min->left_sibling)->right_sibling = x; x->right_sibling = H->min; x->left_sibling = H->min->left_sibling; H->min->left_sibling = x; if (x->key min->key) H->min = x; x->parent = NULL; x = pntr; ) while (pntr != temp->child); ) (temp->left_sibling)->right_sibling = temp->right_sibling; (temp->right_sibling)->left_sibling = temp->left_sibling; H->min = temp->right_sibling; if (temp == temp->right_sibling && temp->child == NULL) H->min = NULL; else ( H->min = temp->right_sibling; consolidate(H); ) H->n = H->n - 1; return temp; ) return H->min; ) void cut(FIB_HEAP *H, NODE *node_to_be_decrease, NODE *parent_node) ( NODE *temp_parent_check; if (node_to_be_decrease == node_to_be_decrease->right_sibling) parent_node->child = NULL; node_to_be_decrease->left_sibling->right_sibling = node_to_be_decrease->right_sibling; node_to_be_decrease->right_sibling->left_sibling = node_to_be_decrease->left_sibling; if (node_to_be_decrease == parent_node->child) parent_node->child = node_to_be_decrease->right_sibling; (parent_node->degree)--; node_to_be_decrease->left_sibling = node_to_be_decrease; node_to_be_decrease->right_sibling = node_to_be_decrease; H->min->left_sibling->right_sibling = node_to_be_decrease; node_to_be_decrease->right_sibling = H->min; node_to_be_decrease->left_sibling = H->min->left_sibling; H->min->left_sibling = node_to_be_decrease; node_to_be_decrease->parent = NULL; node_to_be_decrease->mark = false; ) void cascading_cut(FIB_HEAP *H, NODE *parent_node) ( NODE *aux; aux = parent_node->parent; if (aux != NULL) ( if (parent_node->mark == false) ( parent_node->mark = true; ) else ( cut(H, parent_node, aux); cascading_cut(H, aux); ) ) ) void decrease_key(FIB_HEAP *H, NODE *node_to_be_decrease, int new_key) ( NODE *parent_node; if (H == NULL) ( printf(" FIbonacci heap not created "); return; ) if (node_to_be_decrease == NULL) ( printf("Node is not in the heap"); ) else ( if (node_to_be_decrease->key key = new_key; parent_node = node_to_be_decrease->parent; if ((parent_node != NULL) && (node_to_be_decrease->key key)) ( printf(" cut called"); cut(H, node_to_be_decrease, parent_node); printf(" cascading cut called"); cascading_cut(H, parent_node); ) if (node_to_be_decrease->key min->key) ( H->min = node_to_be_decrease; ) ) ) ) void *find_node(FIB_HEAP *H, NODE *n, int key, int new_key) ( NODE *find_use = n; NODE *f = NULL; find_use->visited = true; if (find_use->key == key) ( find_use->visited = false; f = find_use; decrease_key(H, f, new_key); ) if (find_use->child != NULL) ( find_node(H, find_use->child, key, new_key); ) if ((find_use->right_sibling->visited != true)) ( find_node(H, find_use->right_sibling, key, new_key); ) find_use->visited = false; ) FIB_HEAP *insertion_procedure() ( FIB_HEAP *temp; int no_of_nodes, ele, i; NODE *new_node; temp = (FIB_HEAP *)malloc(sizeof(FIB_HEAP)); temp = NULL; if (temp == NULL) ( temp = make_fib_heap(); ) printf(" enter number of nodes to be insert = "); scanf("%d", &no_of_nodes); for (i = 1; i min, dec_key, -5000); p = extract_min(H); if (p != NULL) printf(" Node deleted"); else printf(" Node not deleted:some error"); ) int main(int argc, char **argv) ( NODE *new_node, *min_node, *extracted_min, *node_to_be_decrease, *find_use; FIB_HEAP *heap, *h1, *h2; int operation_no, new_key, dec_key, ele, i, no_of_nodes; heap = (FIB_HEAP *)malloc(sizeof(FIB_HEAP)); heap = NULL; while (1) ( printf(" Operations 1. Create Fibonacci heap 2. Insert nodes into fibonacci heap 3. Find min 4. Union 5. Extract min 6. Decrease key 7.Delete node 8. print heap 9. exit enter operation_no = "); scanf("%d", &operation_no); switch (operation_no) ( case 1: heap = make_fib_heap(); break; case 2: if (heap == NULL) ( heap = make_fib_heap(); ) printf(" enter number of nodes to be insert = "); scanf("%d", &no_of_nodes); for (i = 1; i key); break; case 4: if (heap == NULL) ( printf(" no FIbonacci heap created "); break; ) h1 = insertion_procedure(); heap = unionHeap(heap, h1); printf("Unified Heap:"); print_heap(heap->min); break; case 5: if (heap == NULL) printf("Empty Fibonacci heap"); else ( extracted_min = extract_min(heap); printf(" min value = %d", extracted_min->key); printf(" Updated heap: "); print_heap(heap->min); ) break; case 6: if (heap == NULL) printf("Fibonacci heap is empty"); else ( printf(" node to be decreased = "); scanf("%d", &dec_key); printf(" enter the new key = "); scanf("%d", &new_key); find_use = heap->min; find_node(heap, find_use, dec_key, new_key); printf(" Key decreased- Corresponding heap:"); print_heap(heap->min); ) break; case 7: if (heap == NULL) printf("Fibonacci heap is empty"); else ( printf(" Enter node key to be deleted = "); scanf("%d", &dec_key); Delete_Node(heap, dec_key); printf(" Node Deleted- Corresponding heap:"); print_heap(heap->min); break; ) case 8: print_heap(heap->min); break; case 9: free(new_node); free(heap); exit(0); default: printf("Invalid choice "); ) ) )
 // Operations on a Fibonacci heap in C++ #include #include #include using namespace std; // Node creation struct node ( int n; int degree; node *parent; node *child; node *left; node *right; char mark; char C; ); // Implementation of Fibonacci heap class FibonacciHeap ( private: int nH; node *H; public: node *InitializeHeap(); int Fibonnaci_link(node *, node *, node *); node *Create_node(int); node *Insert(node *, node *); node *Union(node *, node *); node *Extract_Min(node *); int Consolidate(node *); int Display(node *); node *Find(node *, int); int Decrease_key(node *, int, int); int Delete_key(node *, int); int Cut(node *, node *, node *); int Cascase_cut(node *, node *); FibonacciHeap() ( H = InitializeHeap(); ) ); // Initialize heap node *FibonacciHeap::InitializeHeap() ( node *np; np = NULL; return np; ) // Create node node *FibonacciHeap::Create_node(int value) ( node *x = new node; x->n = value; return x; ) // Insert node node *FibonacciHeap::Insert(node *H, node *x) ( x->degree = 0; x->parent = NULL; x->child = NULL; x->left = x; x->right = x; x->mark = 'F'; x->C = 'N'; if (H != NULL) ( (H->left)->right = x; x->right = H; x->left = H->left; H->left = x; if (x->n n) H = x; ) else ( H = x; ) nH = nH + 1; return H; ) // Create linking int FibonacciHeap::Fibonnaci_link(node *H1, node *y, node *z) ( (y->left)->right = y->right; (y->right)->left = y->left; if (z->right == z) H1 = z; y->left = y; y->right = y; y->parent = z; if (z->child == NULL) z->child = y; y->right = z->child; y->left = (z->child)->left; ((z->child)->left)->right = y; (z->child)->left = y; if (y->n child)->n) z->child = y; z->degree++; ) // Union Operation node *FibonacciHeap::Union(node *H1, node *H2) ( node *np; node *H = InitializeHeap(); H = H1; (H->left)->right = H2; (H2->left)->right = H; np = H->left; H->left = H2->left; H2->left = np; return H; ) // Display the heap int FibonacciHeap::Display(node *H) ( node *p = H; if (p == NULL) ( cout << "Empty Heap" << endl; return 0; ) cout << "Root Nodes: " << endl; do ( cout  right; if (p != H) ( cout <"; ) ) while (p != H && p->right != NULL); cout <  child != NULL) x = z->child; if (x != NULL) ( ptr = x; do ( np = x->right; (H1->left)->right = x; x->right = H1; x->left = H1->left; H1->left = x; if (x->n n) H1 = x; x->parent = NULL; x = np; ) while (np != ptr); ) (z->left)->right = z->right; (z->right)->left = z->left; H1 = z->right; if (z == z->right && z->child == NULL) H = NULL; else ( H1 = z->right; Consolidate(H1); ) nH = nH - 1; return p; ) // Consolidation Function int FibonacciHeap::Consolidate(node *H1) ( int d, i; float f = (log(nH)) / (log(2)); int D = f; node *A(D); for (i = 0; i right; d = x->degree; while (A(d) != NULL) ( y = A(d); if (x->n> y->n) ( np = x; x = y; y = np; ) if (y == H1) H1 = x; Fibonnaci_link(H1, y, x); if (x->right == x) H1 = x; A(d) = NULL; d = d + 1; ) A(d) = x; x = x->right; ) while (x != H1); H = NULL; for (int j = 0; j left = A(j); A(j)->right = A(j); if (H != NULL) ( (H->left)->right = A(j); A(j)->right = H; A(j)->left = H->left; H->left = A(j); if (A(j)->n n) H = A(j); ) else ( H = A(j); ) if (H == NULL) H = A(j); else if (A(j)->n n) H = A(j); ) ) ) // Decrease Key Operation int FibonacciHeap::Decrease_key(node *H1, int x, int k) ( node *y; if (H1 == NULL) ( cout << "The Heap is Empty" << endl; return 0; ) node *ptr = Find(H1, x); if (ptr == NULL) ( cout << "Node not found in the Heap"  parent; if (y != NULL && ptr->n n) ( Cut(H1, ptr, y); Cascase_cut(H1, y); ) if (ptr->n n) H = ptr; return 0; ) // Cutting Function int FibonacciHeap::Cut(node *H1, node *x, node *y) ( if (x == x->right) y->child = NULL; (x->left)->right = x->right; (x->right)->left = x->left; if (x == y->child) y->child = x->right; y->degree = y->degree - 1; x->right = x; x->left = x; (H1->left)->right = x; x->right = H1; x->left = H1->left; H1->left = x; x->parent = NULL; x->mark = 'F'; ) // Cascade cut int FibonacciHeap::Cascase_cut(node *H1, node *y) ( node *z = y->parent; if (z != NULL) ( if (y->mark == 'F') ( y->mark = 'T'; ) else ( Cut(H1, y, z); Cascase_cut(H1, z); ) ) ) // Search function node *FibonacciHeap::Find(node *H, int k) ( node *x = H; x->C = 'Y'; node *p = NULL; if (x->n == k) ( p = x; x->C = 'N'; return p; ) if (p == NULL) ( if (x->child != NULL) p = Find(x->child, k); if ((x->right)->C != 'Y') p = Find(x->right, k); ) x->C = 'N'; return p; ) // Deleting key int FibonacciHeap::Delete_key(node *H1, int k) ( node *np = NULL; int t; t = Decrease_key(H1, k, -5000); if (!t) np = Extract_Min(H); if (np != NULL) cout << "Key Deleted" << endl; else cout << "Key not Deleted" << endl; return 0; ) int main() ( int n, m, l; FibonacciHeap fh; node *p; node *H; H = fh.InitializeHeap(); p = fh.Create_node(7); H = fh.Insert(H, p); p = fh.Create_node(3); H = fh.Insert(H, p); p = fh.Create_node(17); H = fh.Insert(H, p); p = fh.Create_node(24); H = fh.Insert(H, p); fh.Display(H); p = fh.Extract_Min(H); if (p != NULL) cout << "The node with minimum key: "    


Insertion O(1)
Find Min O(1)
Union O(1)
Extract Min O(log n)
Decrease Key O(1)
Delete Node O(log n)

Fibonacci Heap Applications

  1. To improve the asymptotic running time of Dijkstra's algorithm.

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