Sumažinkite raktų ir ištrinkite mazgo operacijas „Fibonači“ krūvoje

Šioje pamokoje sužinosite, kaip veikia klavišo sumažinimo ir mazgų operacijos. Be to, rasite veikiančių šių operacijų pavyzdžių C, C ++, „Java“ ir „Python“ „fibonacci“ kaupuose.

Fibonači krūvoje mažinimo klavišas ir ištrynimo mazgas yra svarbios operacijos. Šios operacijos aptariamos toliau.

Rakto mažinimas

Mažinant rakto operaciją, rakto vertė sumažinama iki mažesnės.

Raktui mažinti naudojamos šios funkcijos.

Sumažinti raktą

  1. Pasirinkite mažintiną mazgą x ir pakeiskite jo reikšmę į naują k.
  2. Jei x, y tėvai nėra nuliniai, o tėvų raktas yra didesnis nei k, paskambinkite Cut(x)ir Cascading-Cut(y)paskui.
  3. Jei x raktas yra mažesnis nei min, tada pažymėkite x kaip min.


  1. Pašalinkite x iš dabartinės padėties ir pridėkite jį prie šaknų sąrašo.
  2. Jei pažymėtas x, pažymėkite jį kaip netikrą.


  1. Jei y tėvai nėra nuliniai, atlikite šiuos veiksmus.
  2. Jei y nepažymėtas, pažymėkite y.
  3. Kitaip, paskambink Cut(y)ir Cascading-Cut(parent of y).

Sumažinti pagrindinį pavyzdį

Minėtas operacijas galima suprasti toliau pateiktuose pavyzdžiuose.

Pavyzdys: sumažėjimas nuo 46 iki 15.

  1. Sumažinkite vertę 46 iki 15.
    Sumažinkite 46 iki 15
  2. Iškirpti dalį: Nuo 24 ≠ nillir 15 < its parent, supjaustykite ją ir įtraukite į šaknų sąrašą. Kaskadinio pjūvio dalis: pažymėkite 24. Įtraukite 15 į šaknų sąrašą ir pažymėkite 24

Pavyzdys: sumažėjimas nuo 35 iki 5

  1. Sumažinkite vertę 35 iki 5. Sumažinkite 35 iki 5
  2. Iškirpta dalis: Nuo 26 ≠ nillir5 , cut it and add it to the root list. Cut 5 and add it to root list
  3. Cascading-Cut part: Since 26 is marked, the flow goes to Cut and Cascading-Cut.
    Cut(26): Cut 26 and add it to the root list and mark it as false. Cut 26 and add it to root list
    Since the 24 is also marked, again call Cut(24) and Cascading-Cut(7). These operations result in the tree below. Cut 24 and add it to root list
  4. Since 5 < 7, mark 5 as min. Mark 5 as min

Deleting a Node

This process makes use of decrease-key and extract-min operations. The following steps are followed for deleting a node.

  1. Let k be the node to be deleted.
  2. Apply decrease-key operation to decrease the value of k to the lowest possible value (i.e. -∞).
  3. Apply extract-min operation to remove this node.

Python, Java and C/C++ Examples

Python Java C C+
 # Fibonacci Heap in python import math class FibonacciTree: def __init__(self, key): self.key = key self.children = () self.order = 0 def add_at_end(self, t): self.children.append(t) self.order = self.order + 1 class FibonacciHeap: def __init__(self): self.trees = () self.least = None self.count = 0 def insert(self, key): new_tree = FibonacciTree(key) self.trees.append(new_tree) if (self.least is None or key y.key: x, y = y, x x.add_at_end(y) aux(order) = None order = order + 1 aux(order) = x self.least = None for k in aux: if k is not None: self.trees.append(k) if (self.least is None or k.key < self.least.key): self.least = k def floor_log2(x): return math.frexp(x)(1) - 1 fheap = FibonacciHeap() fheap.insert(11) fheap.insert(10) fheap.insert(39) fheap.insert(26) fheap.insert(24) print('Minimum value: ()'.format(fheap.get_min())) print('Minimum value removed: ()'.format(fheap.extract_min()))
 // Operations on Fibonacci Heap in Java class node ( node parent; node left; node right; node child; int degree; boolean mark; int key; public node() ( = 0; this.mark = false; this.parent = null; this.left = this; this.right = this; this.child = null; this.key = Integer.MAX_VALUE; ) node(int x) ( this(); this.key = x; ) void set_parent(node x) ( this.parent = x; ) node get_parent() ( return this.parent; ) void set_left(node x) ( this.left = x; ) node get_left() ( return this.left; ) void set_right(node x) ( this.right = x; ) node get_right() ( return this.right; ) void set_child(node x) ( this.child = x; ) node get_child() ( return this.child; ) void set_degree(int x) ( = x; ) int get_degree() ( return; ) void set_mark(boolean m) ( this.mark = m; ) boolean get_mark() ( return this.mark; ) void set_key(int x) ( this.key = x; ) int get_key() ( return this.key; ) ) public class fibHeap ( node min; int n; boolean trace; node found; public boolean get_trace() ( return trace; ) public void set_trace(boolean t) ( this.trace = t; ) public static fibHeap create_heap() ( return new fibHeap(); ) fibHeap() ( min = null; n = 0; trace = false; ) private void insert(node x) ( if (min == null) ( min = x; x.set_left(min); x.set_right(min); ) else ( x.set_right(min); x.set_left(min.get_left()); min.get_left().set_right(x); min.set_left(x); if (x.get_key() "); temp = temp.get_right(); ) while (temp != c); System.out.print(")"); ) ) public static void merge_heap(fibHeap H1, fibHeap H2, fibHeap H3) ( H3.min = H1.min; if (H1.min != null && H2.min != null) ( node t1 = H1.min.get_left(); node t2 = H2.min.get_left(); H1.min.set_left(t2); t1.set_right(H2.min); H2.min.set_left(t1); t2.set_right(H1.min); ) if (H1.min == null || (H2.min != null && H2.min.get_key() < H1.min.get_key())) H3.min = H2.min; H3.n = H1.n + H2.n; ) public int find_min() ( return this.min.get_key(); ) private void display_node(node z) ( System.out.println("right: " + ((z.get_right() == null) ? "-1" : z.get_right().get_key())); System.out.println("left: " + ((z.get_left() == null) ? "-1" : z.get_left().get_key())); System.out.println("child: " + ((z.get_child() == null) ? "-1" : z.get_child().get_key())); System.out.println("degree " + z.get_degree()); ) public int extract_min() ( node z = this.min; if (z != null) ( node c = z.get_child(); node k = c, p; if (c != null) ( do ( p = c.get_right(); insert(c); c.set_parent(null); c = p; ) while (c != null && c != k); ) z.get_left().set_right(z.get_right()); z.get_right().set_left(z.get_left()); z.set_child(null); if (z == z.get_right()) this.min = null; else ( this.min = z.get_right(); this.consolidate(); ) this.n -= 1; return z.get_key(); ) return Integer.MAX_VALUE; ) public void consolidate() ( double phi = (1 + Math.sqrt(5)) / 2; int Dofn = (int) (Math.log(this.n) / Math.log(phi)); node() A = new node(Dofn + 1); for (int i = 0; i y.get_key()) ( node temp = x; x = y; y = temp; w = x; ) fib_heap_link(y, x); check = x; A(d) = null; d += 1; ) A(d) = x; w = w.get_right(); ) while (w != null && w != check); this.min = null; for (int i = 0; i <= Dofn; ++i) ( if (A(i) != null) ( insert(A(i)); ) ) ) ) private void fib_heap_link(node y, node x) ( y.get_left().set_right(y.get_right()); y.get_right().set_left(y.get_left()); node p = x.get_child(); if (p == null) ( y.set_right(y); y.set_left(y); ) else ( y.set_right(p); y.set_left(p.get_left()); p.get_left().set_right(y); p.set_left(y); ) y.set_parent(x); x.set_child(y); x.set_degree(x.get_degree() + 1); y.set_mark(false); ) private void find(int key, node c) ( if (found != null || c == null) return; else ( node temp = c; do ( if (key == temp.get_key()) found = temp; else ( node k = temp.get_child(); find(key, k); temp = temp.get_right(); ) ) while (temp != c && found == null); ) ) public node find(int k) ( found = null; find(k, this.min); return found; ) public void decrease_key(int key, int nval) ( node x = find(key); decrease_key(x, nval); ) private void decrease_key(node x, int k) ( if (k> x.get_key()) return; x.set_key(k); node y = x.get_parent(); if (y != null && x.get_key() < y.get_key()) ( cut(x, y); cascading_cut(y); ) if (x.get_key() < min.get_key()) min = x; ) private void cut(node x, node y) ( x.get_right().set_left(x.get_left()); x.get_left().set_right(x.get_right()); y.set_degree(y.get_degree() - 1); x.set_right(null); x.set_left(null); insert(x); x.set_parent(null); x.set_mark(false); ) private void cascading_cut(node y) ( node z = y.get_parent(); if (z != null) ( if (y.get_mark() == false) y.set_mark(true); else ( cut(y, z); cascading_cut(z); ) ) ) public void delete(node x) ( decrease_key(x, Integer.MIN_VALUE); int p = extract_min(); ) public static void main(String() args) ( fibHeap obj = create_heap(); obj.insert(7); obj.insert(26); obj.insert(30); obj.insert(39); obj.insert(10); obj.display(); System.out.println(obj.extract_min()); obj.display(); System.out.println(obj.extract_min()); obj.display(); System.out.println(obj.extract_min()); obj.display(); System.out.println(obj.extract_min()); obj.display(); System.out.println(obj.extract_min()); obj.display(); ) )
 // Operations on a Fibonacci heap in C #include #include #include #include typedef struct _NODE ( int key; int degree; struct _NODE *left_sibling; struct _NODE *right_sibling; struct _NODE *parent; struct _NODE *child; bool mark; bool visited; ) NODE; typedef struct fibanocci_heap ( int n; NODE *min; int phi; int degree; ) FIB_HEAP; FIB_HEAP *make_fib_heap(); void insertion(FIB_HEAP *H, NODE *new, int val); NODE *extract_min(FIB_HEAP *H); void consolidate(FIB_HEAP *H); void fib_heap_link(FIB_HEAP *H, NODE *y, NODE *x); NODE *find_min_node(FIB_HEAP *H); void decrease_key(FIB_HEAP *H, NODE *node, int key); void cut(FIB_HEAP *H, NODE *node_to_be_decrease, NODE *parent_node); void cascading_cut(FIB_HEAP *H, NODE *parent_node); void Delete_Node(FIB_HEAP *H, int dec_key); FIB_HEAP *make_fib_heap() ( FIB_HEAP *H; H = (FIB_HEAP *)malloc(sizeof(FIB_HEAP)); H->n = 0; H->min = NULL; H->phi = 0; H->degree = 0; return H; ) void new_print_heap(NODE *n) ( NODE *x; for (x = n;; x = x->right_sibling) ( if (x->child == NULL) ( printf("node with no child (%d) ", x->key); ) else ( printf("NODE(%d) with child (%d)", x->key, x->child->key); new_print_heap(x->child); ) if (x->right_sibling == n) ( break; ) ) ) void insertion(FIB_HEAP *H, NODE *new, int val) ( new = (NODE *)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); new->key = val; new->degree = 0; new->mark = false; new->parent = NULL; new->child = NULL; new->visited = false; new->left_sibling = new; new->right_sibling = new; if (H->min == NULL) ( H->min = new; ) else ( H->min->left_sibling->right_sibling = new; new->right_sibling = H->min; new->left_sibling = H->min->left_sibling; H->min->left_sibling = new; if (new->key min->key) ( H->min = new; ) ) (H->n)++; ) NODE *find_min_node(FIB_HEAP *H) ( if (H == NULL) ( printf(" Fibonacci heap not yet created "); return NULL; ) else return H->min; ) FIB_HEAP *unionHeap(FIB_HEAP *H1, FIB_HEAP *H2) ( FIB_HEAP *Hnew; Hnew = make_fib_heap(); Hnew->min = H1->min; NODE *temp1, *temp2; temp1 = Hnew->min->right_sibling; temp2 = H2->min->left_sibling; Hnew->min->right_sibling->left_sibling = H2->min->left_sibling; Hnew->min->right_sibling = H2->min; H2->min->left_sibling = Hnew->min; temp2->right_sibling = temp1; if ((H1->min == NULL) || (H2->min != NULL && H2->min->key min->key)) Hnew->min = H2->min; Hnew->n = H1->n + H2->n; return Hnew; ) int cal_degree(int n) ( int count = 0; while (n> 0) ( n = n / 2; count++; ) return count; ) void consolidate(FIB_HEAP *H) ( int degree, i, d; degree = cal_degree(H->n); NODE *A(degree), *x, *y, *z; for (i = 0; i min; do ( d = x->degree; while (A(d) != NULL) ( y = A(d); if (x->key> y->key) ( NODE *exchange_help; exchange_help = x; x = y; y = exchange_help; ) if (y == H->min) H->min = x; fib_heap_link(H, y, x); if (y->right_sibling == x) H->min = x; A(d) = NULL; d++; ) A(d) = x; x = x->right_sibling; ) while (x != H->min); H->min = NULL; for (i = 0; i left_sibling = A(i); A(i)->right_sibling = A(i); if (H->min == NULL) ( H->min = A(i); ) else ( H->min->left_sibling->right_sibling = A(i); A(i)->right_sibling = H->min; A(i)->left_sibling = H->min->left_sibling; H->min->left_sibling = A(i); if (A(i)->key min->key) ( H->min = A(i); ) ) if (H->min == NULL) ( H->min = A(i); ) else if (A(i)->key min->key) ( H->min = A(i); ) ) ) ) void fib_heap_link(FIB_HEAP *H, NODE *y, NODE *x) ( y->right_sibling->left_sibling = y->left_sibling; y->left_sibling->right_sibling = y->right_sibling; if (x->right_sibling == x) H->min = x; y->left_sibling = y; y->right_sibling = y; y->parent = x; if (x->child == NULL) ( x->child = y; ) y->right_sibling = x->child; y->left_sibling = x->child->left_sibling; x->child->left_sibling->right_sibling = y; x->child->left_sibling = y; if ((y->key) child->key)) x->child = y; (x->degree)++; ) NODE *extract_min(FIB_HEAP *H) ( if (H->min == NULL) printf(" The heap is empty"); else ( NODE *temp = H->min; NODE *pntr; pntr = temp; NODE *x = NULL; if (temp->child != NULL) ( x = temp->child; do ( pntr = x->right_sibling; (H->min->left_sibling)->right_sibling = x; x->right_sibling = H->min; x->left_sibling = H->min->left_sibling; H->min->left_sibling = x; if (x->key min->key) H->min = x; x->parent = NULL; x = pntr; ) while (pntr != temp->child); ) (temp->left_sibling)->right_sibling = temp->right_sibling; (temp->right_sibling)->left_sibling = temp->left_sibling; H->min = temp->right_sibling; if (temp == temp->right_sibling && temp->child == NULL) H->min = NULL; else ( H->min = temp->right_sibling; consolidate(H); ) H->n = H->n - 1; return temp; ) return H->min; ) void cut(FIB_HEAP *H, NODE *node_to_be_decrease, NODE *parent_node) ( NODE *temp_parent_check; if (node_to_be_decrease == node_to_be_decrease->right_sibling) parent_node->child = NULL; node_to_be_decrease->left_sibling->right_sibling = node_to_be_decrease->right_sibling; node_to_be_decrease->right_sibling->left_sibling = node_to_be_decrease->left_sibling; if (node_to_be_decrease == parent_node->child) parent_node->child = node_to_be_decrease->right_sibling; (parent_node->degree)--; node_to_be_decrease->left_sibling = node_to_be_decrease; node_to_be_decrease->right_sibling = node_to_be_decrease; H->min->left_sibling->right_sibling = node_to_be_decrease; node_to_be_decrease->right_sibling = H->min; node_to_be_decrease->left_sibling = H->min->left_sibling; H->min->left_sibling = node_to_be_decrease; node_to_be_decrease->parent = NULL; node_to_be_decrease->mark = false; ) void cascading_cut(FIB_HEAP *H, NODE *parent_node) ( NODE *aux; aux = parent_node->parent; if (aux != NULL) ( if (parent_node->mark == false) ( parent_node->mark = true; ) else ( cut(H, parent_node, aux); cascading_cut(H, aux); ) ) ) void decrease_key(FIB_HEAP *H, NODE *node_to_be_decrease, int new_key) ( NODE *parent_node; if (H == NULL) ( printf(" FIbonacci heap not created "); return; ) if (node_to_be_decrease == NULL) ( printf("Node is not in the heap"); ) else ( if (node_to_be_decrease->key key = new_key; parent_node = node_to_be_decrease->parent; if ((parent_node != NULL) && (node_to_be_decrease->key key)) ( printf(" cut called"); cut(H, node_to_be_decrease, parent_node); printf(" cascading cut called"); cascading_cut(H, parent_node); ) if (node_to_be_decrease->key min->key) ( H->min = node_to_be_decrease; ) ) ) ) void *find_node(FIB_HEAP *H, NODE *n, int key, int new_key) ( NODE *find_use = n; NODE *f = NULL; find_use->visited = true; if (find_use->key == key) ( find_use->visited = false; f = find_use; decrease_key(H, f, new_key); ) if (find_use->child != NULL) ( find_node(H, find_use->child, key, new_key); ) if ((find_use->right_sibling->visited != true)) ( find_node(H, find_use->right_sibling, key, new_key); ) find_use->visited = false; ) FIB_HEAP *insertion_procedure() ( FIB_HEAP *temp; int no_of_nodes, ele, i; NODE *new_node; temp = (FIB_HEAP *)malloc(sizeof(FIB_HEAP)); temp = NULL; if (temp == NULL) ( temp = make_fib_heap(); ) printf(" enter number of nodes to be insert = "); scanf("%d", &no_of_nodes); for (i = 1; i min, dec_key, -5000); p = extract_min(H); if (p != NULL) printf(" Node deleted"); else printf(" Node not deleted:some error"); ) int main(int argc, char **argv) ( NODE *new_node, *min_node, *extracted_min, *node_to_be_decrease, *find_use; FIB_HEAP *heap, *h1, *h2; int operation_no, new_key, dec_key, ele, i, no_of_nodes; heap = (FIB_HEAP *)malloc(sizeof(FIB_HEAP)); heap = NULL; while (1) ( printf(" choose below operations 1. Create Fibonacci heap 2. Insert nodes into fibonacci heap 3. Find min 4. Union 5. Extract min 6. Decrease key 7.Delete node 8. print heap 9. exit enter operation_no = "); scanf("%d", &operation_no); switch (operation_no) ( case 1: heap = make_fib_heap(); break; case 2: if (heap == NULL) ( heap = make_fib_heap(); ) printf(" enter number of nodes to be insert = "); scanf("%d", &no_of_nodes); for (i = 1; i key); break; case 4: if (heap == NULL) ( printf(" no FIbonacci heap is created please create fibonacci heap "); break; ) h1 = insertion_procedure(); heap = unionHeap(heap, h1); printf("Unified Heap:"); new_print_heap(heap->min); break; case 5: if (heap == NULL) printf("Fibonacci heap is empty"); else ( extracted_min = extract_min(heap); printf(" min value = %d", extracted_min->key); printf(" Updated heap: "); new_print_heap(heap->min); ) break; case 6: if (heap == NULL) printf("Fibonacci heap is empty"); else ( printf(" node to be decreased = "); scanf("%d", &dec_key); printf(" enter the new key = "); scanf("%d", &new_key); find_use = heap->min; find_node(heap, find_use, dec_key, new_key); printf(" Key decreased- Corresponding heap:"); new_print_heap(heap->min); ) break; case 7: if (heap == NULL) printf("Fibonacci heap is empty"); else ( printf(" Enter node key to be deleted = "); scanf("%d", &dec_key); Delete_Node(heap, dec_key); printf(" Node Deleted- Corresponding heap:"); new_print_heap(heap->min); break; ) case 8: new_print_heap(heap->min); break; case 9: free(new_node); free(heap); exit(0); default: printf("Invalid choice "); ) ) )
 // Operations on a Fibonacci heap in C++ #include #include #include using namespace std; struct node ( int n; int degree; node *parent; node *child; node *left; node *right; char mark; char C; ); class FibonacciHeap ( private: int nH; node *H; public: node *InitializeHeap(); int Fibonnaci_link(node *, node *, node *); node *Create_node(int); node *Insert(node *, node *); node *Union(node *, node *); node *Extract_Min(node *); int Consolidate(node *); int Display(node *); node *Find(node *, int); int Decrease_key(node *, int, int); int Delete_key(node *, int); int Cut(node *, node *, node *); int Cascase_cut(node *, node *); FibonacciHeap() ( H = InitializeHeap(); ) ); node *FibonacciHeap::InitializeHeap() ( node *np; np = NULL; return np; ) node *FibonacciHeap::Create_node(int value) ( node *x = new node; x->n = value; return x; ) node *FibonacciHeap::Insert(node *H, node *x) ( x->degree = 0; x->parent = NULL; x->child = NULL; x->left = x; x->right = x; x->mark = 'F'; x->C = 'N'; if (H != NULL) ( (H->left)->right = x; x->right = H; x->left = H->left; H->left = x; if (x->n n) H = x; ) else ( H = x; ) nH = nH + 1; return H; ) int FibonacciHeap::Fibonnaci_link(node *H1, node *y, node *z) ( (y->left)->right = y->right; (y->right)->left = y->left; if (z->right == z) H1 = z; y->left = y; y->right = y; y->parent = z; if (z->child == NULL) z->child = y; y->right = z->child; y->left = (z->child)->left; ((z->child)->left)->right = y; (z->child)->left = y; if (y->n child)->n) z->child = y; z->degree++; ) node *FibonacciHeap::Union(node *H1, node *H2) ( node *np; node *H = InitializeHeap(); H = H1; (H->left)->right = H2; (H2->left)->right = H; np = H->left; H->left = H2->left; H2->left = np; return H; ) int FibonacciHeap::Display(node *H) ( node *p = H; if (p == NULL) ( cout << "The Heap is Empty" << endl; return 0; ) cout << "The root nodes of Heap are: " << endl; do ( cout  right; if (p != H) ( cout <"; ) ) while (p != H && p->right != NULL); cout <  child != NULL) x = z->child; if (x != NULL) ( ptr = x; do ( np = x->right; (H1->left)->right = x; x->right = H1; x->left = H1->left; H1->left = x; if (x->n n) H1 = x; x->parent = NULL; x = np; ) while (np != ptr); ) (z->left)->right = z->right; (z->right)->left = z->left; H1 = z->right; if (z == z->right && z->child == NULL) H = NULL; else ( H1 = z->right; Consolidate(H1); ) nH = nH - 1; return p; ) int FibonacciHeap::Consolidate(node *H1) ( int d, i; float f = (log(nH)) / (log(2)); int D = f; node *A(D); for (i = 0; i right; d = x->degree; while (A(d) != NULL) ( y = A(d); if (x->n> y->n) ( np = x; x = y; y = np; ) if (y == H1) H1 = x; Fibonnaci_link(H1, y, x); if (x->right == x) H1 = x; A(d) = NULL; d = d + 1; ) A(d) = x; x = x->right; ) while (x != H1); H = NULL; for (int j = 0; j left = A(j); A(j)->right = A(j); if (H != NULL) ( (H->left)->right = A(j); A(j)->right = H; A(j)->left = H->left; H->left = A(j); if (A(j)->n n) H = A(j); ) else ( H = A(j); ) if (H == NULL) H = A(j); else if (A(j)->n n) H = A(j); ) ) ) int FibonacciHeap::Decrease_key(node *H1, int x, int k) ( node *y; if (H1 == NULL) ( cout << "The Heap is Empty" << endl; return 0; ) node *ptr = Find(H1, x); if (ptr == NULL) ( cout << "Node not found in the Heap"  parent; if (y != NULL && ptr->n n) ( Cut(H1, ptr, y); Cascase_cut(H1, y); ) if (ptr->n n) H = ptr; return 0; ) int FibonacciHeap::Cut(node *H1, node *x, node *y) ( if (x == x->right) y->child = NULL; (x->left)->right = x->right; (x->right)->left = x->left; if (x == y->child) y->child = x->right; y->degree = y->degree - 1; x->right = x; x->left = x; (H1->left)->right = x; x->right = H1; x->left = H1->left; H1->left = x; x->parent = NULL; x->mark = 'F'; ) int FibonacciHeap::Cascase_cut(node *H1, node *y) ( node *z = y->parent; if (z != NULL) ( if (y->mark == 'F') ( y->mark = 'T'; ) else ( Cut(H1, y, z); Cascase_cut(H1, z); ) ) ) node *FibonacciHeap::Find(node *H, int k) ( node *x = H; x->C = 'Y'; node *p = NULL; if (x->n == k) ( p = x; x->C = 'N'; return p; ) if (p == NULL) ( if (x->child != NULL) p = Find(x->child, k); if ((x->right)->C != 'Y') p = Find(x->right, k); ) x->C = 'N'; return p; ) int FibonacciHeap::Delete_key(node *H1, int k) ( node *np = NULL; int t; t = Decrease_key(H1, k, -5000); if (!t) np = Extract_Min(H); if (np != NULL) cout << "Key Deleted" << endl; else cout << "Key not Deleted" << endl; return 0; ) int main() ( int n, m, l; FibonacciHeap fh; node *p; node *H; H = fh.InitializeHeap(); p = fh.Create_node(7); H = fh.Insert(H, p); p = fh.Create_node(17); H = fh.Insert(H, p); p = fh.Create_node(26); H = fh.Insert(H, p); p = fh.Create_node(1); H = fh.Insert(H, p); fh.Display(H); p = fh.Extract_Min(H); if (p != NULL) cout << "The node with minimum key: "    


Decrease Key O(1)
Delete Node O(log n)

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